3 things you need to know before you jump into Cloud Accounting Systems

Accounting Analysis

When the topic of Cloud Computing systems and Accounting Systems specifically comes up, invariably the same issue gets discussed.

Understandably, people want to know if their information is safe, but what they really want to know is whether it is secure. Safe means that you need to make sure it’s backed up and you won’t lose data. Secure means that access to your data is limited to those you know about.

We’ll discuss these aspects, but the main thrust of this article is to discuss the pros and cons of cloud computing so you can work out if it is right for you.

Is it safe / Is it secure?

If you have a bank account or you do online banking, you have already experienced the security level of Cloud Computing service providers. They tend to use the same security measures as Australian Banks. In the case of Bank accounts and in particular credit cards, eternal vigilance is ultimately your only protection. Checking your credit card statement regularly is your best defense – in the same way, checking the access logs to your system on a quarterly basis is prudent. All the players have robust security systems so all in all, your data is as safe as a bank can provide.

Why would I want to consider cloud computing?

Cloud computing has many advantages such as:

Other things to consider

Who are the major players?

In alphabetical order:

How do I work out which one is for me?

When it comes to finding out what’s so good about them, it can be difficult to compare the offerings as they change so quickly. As does their pricing. What follows is a framework of questions that should be asked when considering which provider.
Whatever you do, please make sure you speak to your Accountant first. It can save you a lot of grief. Please call us on 02 6533 1920 or make an enquiry about getting the right solution for you.